Algorithm and Its properties - A complete guide for CSIT student
Algorithm and Its properties

Algorithm and Its properties

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An Algorithm is a finite set of computational instructions, each instruction can be executed in finite time to perform computation or problem solving by giving some value as inputs to produce some values as output.
Algorithm Properties:
  1. Input/Output:
  2. There must be some inputs from the standard set of inputs and on execution of algorithm there must produce outputs based on given inputs.
  3. Definiteness:
  4. Each steps must be clear and unambigious
  5. Finiteness:
  6. An algorithm must terminate after finite time or number of steps
  7. Correctness:
  8. Correct set of output values must be produced with each set of inputs.
  9. Effectiveness:
  10. Each step must be carried out in finite time and every instruction must be basic enough to be carried out.

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