WebTechnology - A complete guide for CSIT student


Web Technology
 Course Title: Web Technology
 Course No. CSC 353
 Nature of Course: Theory+Lab
 Semester: VI

  1. Unit I
  2. Introduction
    Review of web technology, Review of HTML and JAVA Script
  3. Unit II
  4. Issues of Web Technology
    Architectural issues of web layer, HTTP & FTP Protocols, Tier Technology: 2-Tier, 3-Tier and n-Tier
  5. Unit III
  6. The Client Tier
    Representing content, XML, DTD's, Schemas, Stylesheets and Transformation: CSS, XSL/XSLT, SAX, and DOM, Client-side Programming
  7. Unit IV
  8. The Server Tier
    Web Server Concept, Creating Dynamic Content, Using Control Flow to control Dynamic Control Generation, Sessions and State, Error handling, Authentication, Architecting web application, Using tag libraries, Writing tag libraries
  9. Unit V
  10. Introduction to Advance Server Side Issues

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