Network Security - A complete guide for CSIT student

Network Security

Network Secutiry
Course Title: Network Security Course No. CSC 455 Nature of Course: Theory (3Hrs.)+Lab (3Hrs.) Semester: VI
  1. Introduction
    • Computer Secutiry Concepts
    • The OSI Security Architecture
    • Security Attacks
    • Secutiry Mechanisms
    • A Model for Network Security
  2. Key Management and Distribution
    • Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric Encryption
    • Symmetric Key Distribution Using Asymmetric Encryption
    • Distribution of Public Keys
    • X.509 Certicates
    • Public Key Infrastructure
  3. User Authentication Protocols
    • Remote User Authentication Principles
    • Remote User Authentication Using Symmetric Encryption
    • Kerberos
    • Remote User Authencation Using Asymmetric Encryption
    • Federated Identity Management
  4. Transport-Level Security
    • Web Secutiry Issues
    • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
    • HTTPS
    • Secure Shell (SSH)
  5. Wireless Network Security
    • IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Overview
    • IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security
    • Wireless Application Protocol Overview
    • Wireless Transport Layer Security
    • WAP End-to-End Security
  6. Electronic Mail Security
    • Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
    • S/MIME
    • DomainKeys Idenfied Mail (DKIM)
  7. IP Security
    • IP Security Overview
    • IP Security Policy
    • Encapsulating Security Payload
    • Combining Security Associations
    • Internet Key Exchange
    • Cryptographic Suites
  8. Cyber Security Overview

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