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Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Course Title: Data and Analysis of Algorithm
 Course No. CSC 303
 Nature of Course: Theory (3Hrs.)
 Semester: V

  1. Unit 1 (10 Hrs.)
    • Algorithm Analysis: worst, best and average cases, space and time complexities. Mathematical background: asymptotic behavior, solving recurrences.

    • Data Structures Review: linear data structures, hierarchical data structures, data structures for representing graphs and their properties. Search structures: heaps, balanced trees, hash tables.

  2. Unit 2 (14 Hrs.)
    • Divide and Conquer: Concepts, applications, sorting problems(quick, merge), searching (binary), median finding problem and general order statistics, matrix multiplications.

    • Greedy Paradigm: Concepts, applications, Knapsack problem, job sequencing, Huffman codes.

    • Dynamic Programming: Concepts, applications, Knapsack problem, longest common subsequence, matrix chain multiplications.

  3. Unit 3 (21 Hrs.)

    • Graph Algorithms: breadth-first and depth-first search and their applications, minimum spanning trees (Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms), shortest path problems (Dijkstra's and flyod's algorithms), algorithm for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).

    • Geometric Algorithms: Concepts, polygon triangulation, Convex hull computation.

    • NP Completeness: Introduction, class P and NP, cooks theorem, NP complete problems: vertex cover problem.

    • Introductions: Randomized algorithms concepts, randomized quick sort, approximation algorithms concepts, vertex cover problem.

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