Compiler - A complete guide for CSIT student


Complier Design and Construction
    Course Title: Compiler Design and Construction
    Course No. CSC 352
    Nature of Course: Theory (3hrs) + Lab (3hrs)
    Semester: VI
  1. Unit I (6 Hrs.)
    • Introduction to compiling: Compilers, Analysis of source program, the phases of compiler, compiler-construction tools.

    • A Simple One-Pass Compiler: Syntax Definition, Syntax directed translation, Parsing, Translator for simple expression, Symbol Table, Abstract Stack Machines.

  2. Unit II (19 Hrs.)
    • Lexical Analysis: The role of the lexical analyzer, Input buffering, Specification of tokens, Recognition of tokens, Finite Automata, Regular Expression to an NFA, Design of a lexical analyzer generator 5 hrs.

    • Syntax Analysis: The role of parser, Context free grammars, Writing a grammars, Top-down parsing, Bottom-up parsing, Operator-preceding parsing, LR parsing, Ambiguous grammar.

    • Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax-directed definition, Syntax tree and its construction, Evaluation of S-attributed definitions, L-attributed, Top-down translation, Recursive evaluators.

    • Type Checking: Type systems, Specification of a simple type checker, Type conversions.

  3. Unit III (13 Hrs.)
    • Intermediate Code Generation: Intermediate languages, Declarations, Assignments Statements, Boolean Expressions, Back patching.

    • Code Generator: Issues in design of a code generator, the target machine, Run–time storage management, Basic blocks and flow graphs, a simple code generator, Peephole organization, Generating code from dags, Dynamic programming code-generation algorithm, Code-generator generators

    • Code Optimization: The principal sources of optimization, Optimization of basic blocks, loops in flow graphs.

  4. Unit IV (7 Hrs.)
    • Writing a Compilers: Planning a compiler, Approaches to compiler development, the compiler development environment, Testing and Maintenance.

    • Comparing some compliers: Pascal Complier, C compiler, C++ complier.

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